Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Crazy To Do List!!

I thought it would be fun to share my coming projects! I was feeling extremely overwhelmed the other day but have since found a website called teuxdeux.com. I swear if you need to make to do lists for the days you want to do them, this is SO perfect. My brother referred me to this website, and I swear it was like the stress just rolled right off my shoulders. I feel better that I can plan things out a bit according to when I have the money to go and buy supplies for the projects as well as having all of my different to do lists in one place!

My project I am working on at the moment is painting giraffe print on the wall in the baby room. It will only be on the wall behind the crib. I will also be painting giraffes(momma and baby) on the opposite wall of the room. The giraffes sadly have to wait until next week when we have some extra money to spend on the paint. I am also waiting for this weekend to go on at thread shopping spree, because I just ran out!

So far here is my to-do list, for the must have projects!

Finish Painting Giraffe Print
Paint Giraffes
6 Newborn Snail Shell Diapers
6 Small Snail Shell Diapers
6-12 scrap fabric newborn diapers(for the meconium poos!) :p
12 Darling Diapers Newborn: 6 with fleece outer(for airing out the bum!) and 6 with PUL outer for outings
6 Chloe Toes Small Diapers
6 Chloe Toes Medium Diapers
Crib Dust Ruffle
Recover Bumper Set
2 Diaper Pail Liners
2 Changing Table Covers
2 Crib sheets to match room(if I can't find the right color in the store)
2 Wetbags(all cut out and ready to sew just need to get the zippers!)

So far that is my for sures. I have a long list of other projects I am waiting to add.

Okay, yes I know 48 diapers is a TON of diapers. But I'd rather have too many than to few! Plus 12 of them will be made with scrap fabric anyways :)

I bought snap pliers from kamsnaps.com and I LOVE THEM! I also ordered 13 yards of PUL fabric from Hancock Fabrics when they had it on sale for $5 a yd a few weeks back. This is extremely exciting because it means I will have plenty for making my Diapers pail liners as was as a couple changing pad covers, and whatever else I can come up with!

I will update this tomorrow to add another list of all the baby projects I am hoping to get to! I'm not putting them on my must haves because I don't want to stress over trying to get them done in time.

Oh and before I forget!! A couple of weeks ago we had out gender ultrasound and it is....


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